Thursday, January 27, 2011

I need more energy! Ha. Everytime I think of doing this something else comes up and I never get around to it. I think though that my kids may actually be napping right now which is allowing me a few extra quiet moments to myself.

Z Man had a great birthday. We were originally going to take him to the Museum, however it was calling for snow and The Teacher had to be back to school for a game by 3:45. So we scratched that idea and went to lunch at TGI Fridays and then took the kids to Chuck E Cheese's. They had a fun time and are talking about going back.

Princess M is doing incredible with her cast. It is funny to watch her figure out new ways to do simple things or only with one hand. She is resilient that is for sure. I am hoping that come February 10th, we get this bad boy taken off. She actually just came out of her bedroom freaking out because she swallowed a little gem tattoo thing that sticks to your skin. She apparently scaled her furniture (broken arm and all) and grabbed the box down and was playing with them and thought hey let's put that in our mouth! I swear she is going to give me lots and lots of gray hair and cause me to have a major breakdown. I am now waiting for the doctors office to reopen so that I know if I should be concerned. I am thinking that they will probably just tell me to ride it out since it was so tiny, but I want to make sure.

The Teacher is almost done with his basketball season and has been doing pretty good considering most of his freshman players have been pulled up to different levels. We went and watched his game last Tuesday and the kids were very excited to see him coach. Princess M kept wanting to go over to him during the game. They did get bored towards the end because it was going slowly. I will say that I am glad that I do not teach especially high school students. They have horrible mouths on them. They did not care that there were two little kids sitting there. They were dropping all swear words and driving me crazy.

Alright waiting on a doctors phone call.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Happenings around the house

In our home, there is seriously never a dull moment. So let's see if I can do a quick recap:

On Christmas Day, while at my grandparents house, Princess M was playing with Z Man, my uncle and cousin in their living room and tripped over her own 2 feet and hit her head on the corner of their coffee table. Blood everywhere! We got the blood kinda cleaned up so we could access the cut and discovered that it was pretty deep and would require stitches. So we put on a bandage that will hold until we get to the emergency room and off my mom and I go with Princess M to the hospital. The Teacher stayed behind with Z man because he was worried about his sister and didn't want him to leave too. It was fine. We are used to making these kinds of runs with our kids solo. My dad ended up driving The Teacher and Z Man back to their house for me. All in all, Princess M needed 4 subdermal stitches and 7 stitches to finish closing her head. She did amazing and everyone commented to us on that. I say it's because she is an old pro at this. We went to a different hospital this time, so we are just making our rounds through the local hospitals. We were in and out though probably within an hour and a half. So not bad. It's bad when I access how long it takes us to get stitches.

We had a pretty calm New Years. We don't usually do anything. I didn't even make it up until Midnight. I was woken at 12:01 am courtesy of some neighbors who were blowing off some fireworks.

Things in our house were starting to get back to normal. Which for us, is always fun. The Teacher went back to school, Z man started back to school, and Princess M started back to Dance Class. I always was going to work so there was no difference for me! Ha!

We were preparing for Z Man's birthday party on the 15th. Our month was going along great! However, as we all know, that only lasts for so long in our house. This past Tuesday (01/11/11), the kids finally were back at the babysitters house. I was talking to our babysitter about our Christmas and so on. I left to go to work only to get a phone call an hour later from her telling me that Princess M had fallen and was crying and holding her arm. She had been crying for the past half hour and nothing was calming her down. Thankfully we were slow at work, so I was able to leave early to go see what was going on. I thought that maybe she just needed to see me and she would be fine. Well, my mom got out of work early and was there before me. Her arm was swollen and any movement made her cry. I called the doctors office and had them call over an order to get an xray done on her arm. We went to the ER where she had finally calmed down and was doing okay. They took xrays of her wrist as that was what we initally thought she had hurt. That xray didn't show anything and when the doctor had come in to exam her, decided to order xrays of her forearm and elbow because of the amount of pain she was in when she was moving that around. Thankfully Princess M was okay with the xray machine this time. I think it is because I was holding her and she didn't have to lay there. She has broken her leg before and was petrified of the machine. This new set of xrays reveals a small fracture on her ulna. So, we get a temporary cast put on her and off to the orthopedic doctor we were going to have to go.

We finally got her hard cast on her on Thursday. She chose hot pink and it is pink! Thankfully I can put some long sleeve shirts on her because it is not too thick.

Z Man had an amazing Birthday party on Saturday. We are so blessed and fortunate to have amazing friends and family in our lives. Tomorrow is his official birthday and I cannot believe that he is going to be 5 years old. I still remember him being a baby and holding him. Now, he is this walking talking smart little boy. I love him so very much. We are probably going to be taking him the Musuem tomorrow (it's a free day) and then going to The Teachers basketball game.

So those are the happenings around our house. Ridiculous huh?!?!?